santorini, greece, buildings

Dolphin 3 Discipleship

Reaching People for Christ in the Islands and Ports of Greece

"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?" Romans 10:14-15a

Greek People Need To Hear The Good News Of Jesus Christ

Even though the New Testament was written in Greek, nowadays less than 1% of the Greek people are born again

assorted concrete houses
  • There are 10.6 million people living in Greece, of which 1.5 million people on the islands
  • There are 227 inhabited islands spread over 9 island groups
  • Reaching island inhabitants with the gospel presents a special challenge to traditional mission strategies
  • Unique opportunities arise for effective outreach using boats, that can serve as floating house churches
  • Many islands do not even have 1 single born again believer

Far too many Greek people have never even heard the gospel.

You can help change that.

Join our team

Why Greece - Why Boats - Why YOU

Jesus said: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.'
Matthew 28: 20

Greek Island Groups

Dolphin 3 Discipleship

The Mission of Dolphin 3 Discipleship...

Bring Jesus To The Greek Islands & Bring People To Jesus!

Visit The Islands

Connect With people

Show Them Jesus

Maybe You Ask?...

Why Greece, Why Boats?

Who are we?...

And how did we get involved?

We are Robert & Danielle Feddes...

Saying YES to an old boat never is a really good idea. And had we known in advance what was involved to make this boat ready for an ocean crossing....

...we might have backed out of it.

Let us tell you the story...

Dolphin 3 Donated

The Dolphin 3 is an over 40 year old Moody 33 sailboat, which ended up in our possession quite miraculously. 

You see, the boat was donated for missions use by Art Nilsen, retired USAF Colonel, currently working on the Azores as missionary.

Art had bought this old sailboat called Porto Pim, but he hardly ever used it. When Art heard about the work of Hellenic Ministries, a Greek missionary organisation, that was using boats for evangelism, he felt he would like to donate the boat to HM.

For many years already we have been involved with the work of HM and we know Alex Macris well. Alex is director of Broad Reach, the maritime branch of HM. Alex and Robert became good friends over the years, So when the boat was offered to HM, Alex asked Robert if he would take the boat under his care.

Here you see us together with Art (left) and Alex (right) on the Azores just after we had accepted the boat.

The Dolphin 3 – as she is now named – was given to us to bring Jesus closer to people and people closer to Jesus.

But we have since learned that this boat was also given to us to grow and deepen our faith. It is a true faithbuilding challenge. 

On this site you can also read our updates, in which we take you along in our adventures with Dolphin 3.

Robert Danielle Feddes Skippers Dolphin 3
Greek Island Groups

Dolphin 3 Discipleship

Would you join our team...

...and be part of the wind in our sails?

There are 4 ways you can join...

Prayer Warriors

Our Air Force

Prayer moves the hand of God. And without God moving, we run the risk of being busy without ever getting anywhere.

That is why we first and foremost need Prayer Warriors.

We call this our Air Force, preparing the breakthroughs on their knees.

Join our Air Force Team
Prayer Warriors

Wrench Turners

Our Boat Techies

To keep Dolphin 3 moving as a Missions Boat we spend time keeping the boat seaworthy and safe.

The apostle Paul was shipwrecked in the waters we sail in. And even though we want to follow in Paul’s footsteps, we’d rather not get shipwrecked ourselves.

That is why we take safety of Dolphin 3 very seriously. So if you have two right hands and want to serve in that capacity, get in touch.

Join our Boat Techies Team
Wrench Turner Dan

Come Along Workers

Our Missionary Partners

We are a non-denominational ministry.

Or maybe we should say we are a ministry that is just about 1 NAME: The Name of The King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

If you have a heart for Greece and want to come along and sail and do ministry on some of the islands, then this might be your way to help.

Join our Missionary Partners Team
Come Along And Preach

Kingdom Investors

Our Kingdom Investors

To keep a mission boat sailing requires dedicated people in different areas.

Sailing Dolphin 3 Discipleship is first and foremost about people heeding a call to participate in the Great Commission with the use of boats.

And He Who calls is Faithful.

So He provides. And He uses people to provide what is needed.

If you are one who loves to provide and send, then please join the team.

Join our Kingdom Investors Team
Come Along And Play Violin
Map Kings Fleet 1400

Did You Know?...

Jesus Christ, The King of Kings Has a Fleet of Mission Boats Around The World

Dolphin 3 Discipleship sails under the flag of the Missionary Organization Broad Reach Maritime Greece.

Broad Reach Maritime and Dolphin 3 Discipleship are listed on the Kingsfleet Worldwide Maritime Missions website.

The KingsFleet network website gives an overview of currently more than 100 Maritime Missions worldwide!

We are excited to be part of The Fleet of The King of Kings!

Kingsfleet Png Transparent With Red And White Text

Dolphin 3 Discipleship is part of the growing fleet of Broad Reach Maritime

Broad Reach Maritime

Broad Reach Maritime is the maritime branch of Hellenic Ministries.

Hellenic Ministries (HM) was the first national Greek evangelical and missionary organization to modern Greece. HM was founded in 1980 by Costas Macris. 

Here’s a link to the website of Hellenic Ministries where you can read about the rich and unique history of this mission.

Below you’ll see a video where Alex Macris, director of Broad Reach Maritime, explains the vision.

The vision that God gave to Alex Macris, took years of prayerfully seeking God and waiting for His time to move things forward.

And now God is moving things forward, and it is a prvilege to be part of that.

We have vision for 10 boats, each serving their own group of islands.

Right now the fleet consists of 3 boats, and a number of affilliated vessels that work alongside.


9 Island Groups

Greek Island Groups

A growing fleet...

  • Morning Star

    60 feet steel schooner

    Morning Star Santa Cruz is a beautiful steel-hulled schooner. She is large enough for long distance trips yet intimate enough to cultivate meaningful relationships.

    Morning Star Sails Up 800 1
  • Encounter

    90 feet wood / fiberglass schooner

    The schooner Encounter is the latest and largest vessel to join the Broad Reach fleet. She was built in Africa with the express purpose of evangelsing islands and discipleshiptraining on board.

  • Dolphin 3

    33 feet Moody Mk1

    The Dolphin 3 was sailed from the Azores to The Netherlands during summer 2021 by Robert and Crew. She is undergoing a major refit to make her ready for another round of service in the Kingsfleet in the Greek waters.

    Dolphin 3
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Dolphin 3 Discipleship

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